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70 Acre Hill

We went to a task at 70 Acre Hill on the 29th November to do tree thinning on land owned by Sheffield council. We got the 52 bus and met the Sheffield Conservation Volunteers who are from a range of background jobs like real estate and teaching. They had a variety of interests from woodwork to wood kilns and one man, Alan, actually carved us some flowers.

Before we started we had a brief lesson about how to use the tools and which tools are the best for which particular jobs. Loppers were used to cut off branches and bow saws cut through the tree trunks. The cut down trees were moved into piles which can now act as homes for hedgehogs and other animals and by cutting down trees we've helped the desired trees grow and stopped them from having to compete for space and resources.

We had a lot of tea and had great biscuits to snack on which we all shared around a van. However, we had to stop work early as it got windy (almost 50mph). We ended the day memorably: by pushing the van up the hill. We are very thankful to Sheffield Conservation Volunteers for having us and I'm thankful to David for all his help and it was nice to have someone from Hallam join us on the task as well as being a collaboration with world week.

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