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Nottingham University Campus Community Garden

This week, our friends from Nottingham University Conservation Society (ConSoc), who many of you might recognize from the Peaks and City Takeover 2015 and 2016, invited us over to lend a hand on their Campus Community Garden. Greeted at Nottingham station by ConSoc committee members Matt and Jodie, we set off to their ‘secret garden’, tucked away by their Sports Centre.

On arrival, we were met with ConSoc head gardener Emily and many other friendly faces. We learned that the garden had fortunately fallen into their care just a few months ago and our task was to weed the last remaining flower bed and plant beetroot in its place. Dan told us to surround the beetroot with marigolds, which we were taught was a companion plant that exudes nematode-killing chemicals. Midway, the rain stopped us in our tracks and 20-or-so of us sought refuge in their modestly sized greenhouse, where we experimented with various concoctions of mint, milk, tea, coffee and hot water from the magical ‘Cavendish’ to go with our many packs of biscuits!

After the task, we had just enough time to take a walk around the gorgeous Wollaton Park, home to red deer, fallow deer and a huge taxidermy collection in Wollaton Hall, comprised of birds, insects, all manner of mega fauna - even a giraffe.

Thanks so much for having us ConSoc – we had loads of fun and hope to see you all again soon!


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